About JVFree

Welcome to the website jeuxvideofree.com
Let us get to know each other
I will introduce myself briefly to get to know each other better.
My name is Marmotte Thor, a gamer since the game Pong was displayed on a cathode TV, more than thirty years ago.
Player of consoles from the Atari to the PS4 and PC player from the Amiga 500 to the computers nowadays.
Before the 2000s
Video games were mainly geared towards offline single-player or multiplayer games because the internet was not what it is now. After playing on the big classic consoles of the moment such as Atari, Nintendo, Sega, Playstation, XBox, I turned to PC games that offered the possibility to play online.
The online game was making its debut, it looked more like a big pile of devices and cables than anything else, but it allowed to play several networks. Some games were starting to offer to compete against online players through the p2p sharing system, including strategy games such as Command and Conquer, Dune, Warcraft…
And the internet has evolved and democratized.
After the 2000s
I was still playing solo games, but competitive online gaming started on PC with Soldier of Fortune 2 Double Helix (FPS).
A few hours in multiplayer and here I am launched in the loop of the online game: entry into a clan, recruitment, wars, forum …
Very good experience, a clan with many players very participatory and mature.
My first game servers
We then switched to Counter Strike Source with the ambition of being one of the most played French-language servers.
Two 12Monkeys servers [12m1k] are open and in one month become the most played Gun Game servers in the world (600th server rank out of 300,000).
Followed by servers Teamfortress 2, Call of Duty, Left for Dead…
A highly active and multicultural community, lots of exchanges and live meetings.
What about the MMOs in all this ?
MMORPGs were ubiquitous during this period, after testing World of Warcraft (fan of Warcraft 1, 2 and 3) my choice of multiplayer game was Guild Wars. I found it more pvp access and cheaper for a similar quality.
When he was released the teams were very balanced, which required the player to use well-rounded compositions and strategies to win. After some time spent defeating the pantheon of heroes, the time had come to participate in the first world tournament.
The rankings were played in advance, the Asians dominated easily, but the Europeans reached the top 10. Great experience, the online game took on new dimensions at that time.
We are already well informed about my history of gamer but in all this we must not forget something: the pleasure of sharing.
The pleasure of interacting with everyone and sharing a common interest is a good motivation.
Regardless of the game servers or clans, there was bound to be a forum or website. We spent hours with our hands in the mud between setting up forums, sites or changes to game servers.
The community quickly used these tools to feed the internet with information in French so that everyone can access knowledge because much of the information is in English.
Why creates this website ?
I always thought that a free video game would be very profitable, but I did not think how much.
With the arrival of League of Legends or DOTA, free to play was born and proved its effectiveness.
With a few games in my favorites I could not get bored for a second.
But as soon as I was looking for ways to improve my game, I could only find information in English. So, it was the lack of game guides and tips in French that made me want to make this website.
The purpose of this website
The goal of jeuxvideofree.com is to offer complete game guides to allow each person to know the tricks of his favorite games. Also allow you to discover a selection of games among the countless free games available on the market.
All the big games on consoles or computers have a multitude of tricks but this is not the case for most applications for which we spend a lot of time.
Most mobile games do not have guides or tricks that jeuxvideofree.com will try to offer.
email : info@jeuxvideofree.com
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